The  Flock Care Ministry has now completed 20 years of activity. The ministry continues to carry out  visits with congregational members from Lutheran Church of Our Saviour, in seniors’ residences, care homes, homebound, those grieving loss or facing other difficult life situations. Small groups within the congregation are always the first choice for caring support, but when that is not possible we try to keep connections and caring relationships with LCOS.

The mission statement is “to facilitate, encourage and ensure caring connections within the church family of LCOS and within the wider community as the need arises.”

We have added two new members this year, Beverly Marshall and Joanne Stansky. We are grateful that they have chosen to join Flock Care.

Berva Huber was one of the  original members, is now in a care home and one of the people we visit.  We have 8 active visitors. Each member is guided to visit, make phone calls, or meet some other need, as they are willing and able. In 2023 outreach has included 26 individuals. In the last 10 years we have distributed 105 prayer shawls (made by LCOS members and friends) to those experiencing health   concerns, or grieving.

Ultimately we hope to create a culture within the church body as a whole, that will stir each member into noticing, caring, and reaching out to others as we go through those difficult life transition. I see this happening every day.

We meet once a month (4th Tuesday at 11:30 AM) for study, prayer and an update of needs. If anyone feels that this is a ministry that you would like to be involved with please contact Janice Hawkings.