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In Baptism, we are united with all the baptized in the one body of Christ, anointed with the gift of the Holy Spirit, and joined in God's mission for the life of the world.  Through theologically-trained and accountable leadership, Rostered Minsiters help all members to live out the calling to mission and to a life of spirited discipleship.  Congregations play a vital role in leadership formation.

The ELCIC has two types of rosterd minsiters:  Ordained Ministers are called to a public ministry of "Word and Sacrament," with a strong emphasis on preaching, teaching, presiding at Baptims and Communion, and offering spirutual care;  Diaconal Ministers are called to a public ministry of "Word and Service, " with a stron emphasis on equipping all the baptized for service in all the places where the needs of the world encounter people of faith.

 Below are a couple of under a minute long clips from those that have felt the call and one longer clip from a seminary student.